
Imagine standing atop the Great Wall of China, feeling the ancient stones beneath your feet, and gazing out at the vast landscape — this could be you, embracing the adventure of a lifetime.Do you need a reasons to travel ?


We’ll explore 8 compelling reasons to pack your bags and set out to discover the world.

Prepare to be inspired as we delve into the myriad ways travel can:

  • Enrich Your Life
  • Expand Your Horizons
  • Challenge Assumptions
  • Enhance Skills
  • Promote Health
  • Spark Creativity
  • Foster Connections
  • Boost Happiness
Cathedral of St Dommius, Split, Croatia

The Cathedral of St Dommius: A Historic Landmark in Split, Croatia

Cathedral of St Dommius schedule, Split, Croatia

What You Need to Know About the Cathedral of St Dommius’s Schedule

Embarking on global travels is more than a dream; it’s also one of the most rewarding aspects of traveling and it’s the opportunity to experience new cultures, languages, cuisines, histories, and perspectives. These can enrich your life in many ways, such as:

  • Enhancing your knowledge: You can learn about the history, geography, politics, religion, art, and literature of the places you visit, and gain a deeper understanding of the world and its diversity.
  • Increasing your appreciation: You can appreciate the beauty, creativity, and uniqueness of the cultures you encounter, and recognize the commonalities and differences among them.
  • Stimulating your curiosity: You can discover new things that interest you, spark your imagination, and inspire you to learn more.

Some examples of how traveling can enrich your life are:

  • Learning a new language: You can immerse yourself in a language that is different from your own, and learn how to communicate with the locals. You can also learn about the culture, humor, and expressions of the language, and expand your vocabulary and grammar skills.
  • Trying a new dish: You can taste the flavors, spices, and ingredients of the cuisines you encounter, and learn how they reflect the history, geography, and traditions of the region. You can also learn how to cook, order, and enjoy the food, and discover new dishes that you love.
  • Visiting a historical site: You can see the monuments, buildings, and artifacts that tell the story of the past, and learn how they influenced the present and the future. You can also feel the atmosphere, emotions, and significance of the site, and connect with the people who lived there.
  • Witnessing a cultural event: You can observe the rituals, ceremonies, and festivals that celebrate the culture, religion, and identity of the people, and learn how they express their values, beliefs, and customs. You can also participate, interact, and have fun with the people, and share their joy and enthusiasm.

Traveling is like reading a book, but with all your senses  You can immerse yourself in the story, feel the emotions, and learn from the characters. You can also explore the setting, hear the sounds, smell the scents, and touch the textures. You can experience the book in a way that words alone cannot convey.

los años 60 is a theatrical route, municipality of Villa de Mazo, in La Palma, Canary Islands

``We are unexpectedly participating in a theatrical route that depicts the history and tales of the municipality of Villa de Mazo, in La Palma, Canary Islands.``

los años 60 is a theatrical route, municipality of Villa de Mazo, in La Palma, Canary Islands

``Trying to blend in... in of the Festivity of San Lorenzo``

Reason 2: Traveling can expand your horizons

Another great benefit of traveling is the opportunity to broaden your outlook, open your mind, and challenge your stereotypes. These can help you grow as a person, overcome your fears, and embrace diversity, such as:

  • Growing as a person: You can develop your character, values, and personality by exposing yourself to different situations, challenges, and opportunities that traveling offers. You can also discover new aspects of yourself, such as your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and goals.
  • Overcoming your fears: You can face your fears, insecurities, and anxieties by stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things that traveling requires. You can also learn to cope with uncertainty, risk, and change, and become more confident and resilient.
  • Embracing diversity: You can appreciate and respect the diversity of the world, such as the people, cultures, religions, and ideologies that you encounter. You can also learn to be more tolerant, open-minded, and empathetic, and avoid prejudice, discrimination, and conflict.

Some examples of how traveling can expand your horizons are:

  • Meeting people from different backgrounds: You can interact with people who have different experiences, opinions, and values from yours, and learn from their stories, insights, and perspectives. You can also make new friends, find mentors, or even fall in love.
  • Experiencing different lifestyles: You can observe and participate in the lifestyles of the people you visit, and learn how they live, work, play, and think. You can also compare and contrast your own lifestyle, and see what you can improve, change, or adopt.
  • Exploring different landscapes: You can see and enjoy the beauty and variety of the natural world, such as the mountains, oceans, forests, and deserts. You can also experience the climate, weather, and seasons of different regions, and see how they affect the environment and the people.

How can you know what you are capable of, if you never step out of your comfort zone?

 “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

A deserted house, a frequent sight in Ponta Delgada

A deserted house, a frequent sight in Ponta Delgada

Piece of street art, which is common in Ponta Delgada

A piece of street art, which is common in Ponta Delgada

Reason 3: Traveling can challenge your assumptions

A third reason to travel the world is the opportunity to test your beliefs, values, and opinions. These can help you question your biases, rethink your priorities, and change your perspective, such as:

  • Questioning your biases: You can confront your prejudices, stereotypes, and assumptions that you may have about other people, cultures, or places, and learn how they are inaccurate, incomplete, or harmful. You can also learn to be more critical, objective, and open-minded in your thinking.
  • Rethinking your priorities: You can evaluate your goals, needs, and wants that you may have taken for granted, and learn how they are influenced by your culture, society, or environment. You can also learn to be more flexible, adaptable, and grateful in your living.
  • Changing your perspective: You can shift your viewpoint, attitude, and outlook that you may have held for a long time, and learn how they are relative, subjective, or limited. You can also learn to be more empathetic, compassionate, and respectful in your relationship.

Some examples of how traveling can challenge your assumptions are:

  • Encountering a different worldview: You can meet people who have a different way of seeing, understanding, and explaining the world, and learn how they are shaped by their culture, religion, or philosophy. You can also learn to appreciate the diversity, complexity, and mystery of the world.
  • Witnessing a social issue: You can see the problems, challenges, and conflicts that affect the people and places you visit, and learn how they are caused by the history, politics, or economics of the region. You can also learn to be more aware, informed, and responsible for the world.
  • Facing a moral dilemma: You can face a situation that challenges your moral values, principles, or judgments, and learn how they are influenced by your upbringing, education, or environment. You can also learn to be more ethical, rational, and courageous in your actions.

When I visited some place in the Azores, I was shocked by the poverty and inequality I saw, but I was also amazed by the generosity and resilience of the people. It made me realize how privileged I was, and how much I had to learn from them.

A recent study by the University of British Columbia found that traveling abroad can increase students’ intercultural competence, global awareness, and personal growth. The study surveyed more than 1,000 students who participated in study abroad programs, and found that they reported significant changes in their beliefs, values, and opinions after their experiences.

Areia Beach Bar, Tenerife

``I have no clue how to read Spanish, but Google said it was 4.9 Star``

Octopus Meal from Areia Beach Bar,

``Not bad, not bad at all, 😋``

Reason 4: Traveling can improve your skills

A fourth reason to travel the world is the opportunity to enhance your abilities, such as: communication, problem-solving, adaptability, creativity, etc. These can help you in your personal and professional life, such as:

  • Improving your communication: You can improve your verbal and non-verbal communication skills by interacting with people who speak different languages, have different accents, or use different gestures. You can also learn to listen, understand, and express yourself better.
  • Enhancing your problem-solving: You can enhance your analytical and critical thinking skills by dealing with unexpected situations, challenges, or obstacles that traveling presents. You can also learn to find solutions, make decisions, and overcome difficulties.
  • Increasing your adaptability: You can increase your flexibility and resilience skills by adjusting to different environments, cultures, or circumstances that traveling exposes you to. You can also learn to cope with change, uncertainty, and stress.
  • Boosting your creativity: You can boost your imagination and innovation skills by discovering new things, ideas, or inspirations that traveling offers. You can also learn to create, design, or invent something new.

Some examples of how traveling can improve your skills are:

  • Negotiating a deal: You can practice your negotiation skills by bargaining with vendors, drivers, or guides, and learn how to get the best price, service, or quality. You can also learn to be persuasive, assertive, and respectful.That’s what I did in Egypt when I wanted to do a cruise on the Nile.
  • Finding a solution: You can practice your problem-solving skills by finding a way to get from point A to point B, and learn how to use maps, apps, or locals. You can also learn to be resourceful, strategic, and efficient.
  • Adapting to a situation: You can practice your adaptability skills by coping with a change of plans, weather, or itinerary, and learn how to make the best of it. You can also learn to be flexible, positive, and spontaneous.
  • Creating something: You can practice your creativity skills by making a souvenir, a photo, or a journal of your trip, and learn how to express your feelings, memories, or impressions. You can also learn to be original, artistic, and reflective.

Statistic: According to a study by the World Economic Forum, the top skills that employers will look for in 2025 are critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and self-management, all of which can be developed by traveling.

Fact: According to a survey by, 65% of travelers said that traveling has helped them acquire new skills and knowledge, and 54% said that traveling has boosted their confidence and career prospects.

“Summit Snack: Sharing with the Crows Amongst the Clouds

``Summit Snack: Sharing with the Crows Amongst the Clouds``

Embraced by Nature’s Majesty.

``Embraced by Nature’s Majesty.``

Reason 5: Traveling can boost your health

A fifth reason to travel the world is the opportunity to benefit your physical and mental health, such as:

  • Reducing stress: You can reduce your stress levels by escaping from your daily routine, responsibilities, and pressures, and enjoying some leisure time, fun, and relaxation. You can also learn to cope with stress better by facing new challenges and situations.
  • Improving mood: You can improve your mood by experiencing positive emotions, such as joy, excitement, gratitude, and awe, that traveling can evoke. You can also learn to improve your mood by adopting a positive attitude and mindset.
  • Strengthening immunity: You can strengthen your immune system by exposing yourself to different environments, climates, and microorganisms, and stimulating your body’s natural defenses. You can also learn to strengthen your immunity by following a healthy lifestyle and habits.
  • Preventing diseases: You can prevent or reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, and dementia, by engaging in physical activities, eating healthy foods, and stimulating your brain that traveling can offer. You can also learn to prevent diseases by being aware of your health and wellness.

Some examples of how traveling can boost your health are:

  • Relaxing in nature: You can relax in nature by visiting natural parks, forests, beaches, or mountains, and enjoy the fresh air, green scenery, and soothing sounds. You can also benefit from the healing effects of nature, such as lowering your blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels.
  • Exercising outdoors: You can exercise outdoors by walking, hiking, biking, swimming, or skiing, and burn calories, tone muscles, and improve your cardiovascular health. You can also benefit from the energizing effects of exercise, such as releasing endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine.
  • Meditating in a temple: You can meditate in a temple by joining a meditation retreat, session, or class, and practice mindfulness, breathing, and concentration. You can also benefit from the calming effects of meditation, such as reducing anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
  • Getting a massage: You can get a massage by visiting a spa, salon, or clinic, and enjoy a relaxing, soothing, and therapeutic treatment. You can also benefit from the healing effects of massage, such as improving blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and muscle tension.

Don’t take my word for it, listen to what the experts say. According to the American Psychological Association, traveling can lower your risk of depression, anxiety, and burnout, and increase your happiness, satisfaction, and well-being.

If you want to boost your health and wellness, traveling is one of the best ways to do it. Not only will you enjoy the benefits of traveling, but you will also learn how to maintain them in your daily life.

“A Journey Through Color: Where Travel and Creativity Intersect.”

“A Journey Through Color: Where Travel and Creativity Intersect.”

Urban Exploration: Discovering Art in Unexpected Places.

``Urban Exploration: Discovering Art in Unexpected Places.``

Reason 6: Traveling can inspire your creativity

A sixth reason to travel the world is the opportunity to stimulate your imagination, spark your ideas, and unleash your potential. These can help you in your hobbies, passions, and projects, such as:

  • Stimulating your imagination: You can stimulate your imagination by seeing new things, hearing new sounds, smelling new scents, tasting new flavors, and feeling new sensations that traveling can provide. You can also learn to be more curious, playful, and adventurous in your thinking.
  • Sparking your ideas: You can spark your ideas by discovering new art forms, cultures, stories, or inspirations that traveling can offer. You can also learn to be more original, innovative, and visionary in your ideas.
  • Unleashing your potential: You can unleash your potential by creating new products, services, solutions, or expressions that traveling can motivate. You can also learn to be more productive, skillful, and confident in your creations.

Some examples of how traveling can inspire your creativity are:

  • Discovering a new art form: You can discover a new art form by visiting museums, galleries, or studios, and seeing the works of different artists, styles, or movements. You can also learn to appreciate, understand, and emulate the art form, and create your own masterpiece.
  • Finding a new inspiration: You can find a new inspiration by exploring natural wonders, historical sites, or cultural events, and witnessing the beauty, mystery, or significance of the place. You can also learn to capture, express, and share your inspiration, and inspire others.
  • Creating a new product: You can create a new product by identifying a problem, need, or opportunity that traveling can reveal, and designing a solution, prototype, or model. You can also learn to test, improve, and market your product, and make a difference.

Traveling is unlike anything else, it can challenge your creative limits, expand your creative possibilities, and transform your creative vision. Think of all the amazing things you can create by traveling, such as a novel, a painting, or an app.

“Trail Companions on the Trans Canada Journey.” "Marie"

“Trail Companions on the Trans Canada Trail Journey.”

Friend on the Trans Canada Pathway.

``On my way through the Trans Canada Trail, I met another kind soul.``

Reason 7: Traveling can connect you with others

A seventh reason to travel the world is the opportunity to foster your relationships, build your network, and enrich your community. These can help you in your social and emotional life, such as:

  • Fostering your relationships: You can strengthen your bonds with your existing friends, family, or partner by traveling with them, sharing experiences, memories, and emotions. You can also learn to communicate, cooperate, and compromise better with them.
  • Building your network: You can expand your circle of contacts, acquaintances, or colleagues by traveling alone, joining a group, or attending an event. You can also learn to network, socialize, and collaborate better with them.
  • Enriching your community: You can contribute to the well-being, development, or sustainability of the people and places you visit by traveling responsibly, ethically, or altruistically. You can also learn to be more generous, compassionate, and respectful with them.

Some examples of how traveling can connect you with others are:

  • Making new friends: You can make new friends by meeting fellow travelers or locals who share your interests, passions, or values, and having fun, meaningful, or supportive conversations with them. You can also learn to be more friendly, open, and curious with them.
  • Finding a partner: You can find a partner by meeting someone who attracts you, intrigues you, or complements you, and having a romantic, adventurous, or memorable encounter with them. You can also learn to be more confident, charming, and spontaneous with them.
  • Joining a group: You can join a group by signing up for a tour, a course, or a club that offers you an opportunity to learn, explore, or enjoy something new with other people. You can also learn to be more cooperative, enthusiastic, and involved with them.
  • Volunteering for a cause: You can volunteer for a cause by participating in a project, a program, or a campaign that aims to help, improve, or protect the people, animals, or environment of the place you visit. You can also learn to be more responsible, altruistic, and aware with them.

There is not a lot of jokes I know about traveling, but let’s try.

A traveler walks into a bar and orders a drink. He sees a sign that says “Free beer for travelers who can tell a good story”. He asks the bartender what it’s about. The bartender says “We like to hear stories from travelers who have been to different places and done different things. If you can tell us a story that is interesting, funny, or surprising, we’ll give you a free beer”. The traveler thinks for a moment and says “OK, I’ll tell you a story. I once went to Antarctica and saw a penguin wearing a tuxedo”. The bartender laughs and says “That’s a good one. Here’s your free beer”. The traveler says “Thanks. But that’s not the story. The story is how I got the tuxedo from the penguin”.

“Embracing Solitude: A Joyful Moment on the Trans Canada Trail.”

“Embracing Solitude: A Joyful Moment on the Trans Canada Trail.”

“Joyful Journeys: The Happiness of Travel.”

“Joyful Journeys: The Happiness of Travel.”

Reason 8: Traveling can make you happier

The final and perhaps the most important reason to travel the world is the opportunity to increase your joy, gratitude, and fulfillment, and how that can help you in your overall life satisfaction and happiness, such as:

  • Increasing your joy: You can increase your joy by experiencing positive emotions, such as happiness, excitement, awe, and wonder, that traveling can evoke. You can also learn to enjoy the moment, savor the experience, and celebrate the journey.
  • Increasing your gratitude: You can increase your gratitude by appreciating the gifts, opportunities, and blessings that traveling can offer. You can also learn to be thankful for what you have, what you see, and what you do.
  • Increasing your fulfillment: You can increase your fulfillment by achieving your goals, dreams, and aspirations that traveling can enable. You can also learn to be proud of yourself, your achievements, and your growth.

Some examples of how traveling can make you happier are:

  • Enjoying the moment: You can enjoy the moment by being present, mindful, and attentive to the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings that traveling can provide. You can also learn to let go of your worries, expectations, and judgments, and just be.
  • Appreciating the beauty: You can appreciate the beauty by noticing, admiring, and capturing the beauty of the natural and cultural wonders that traveling can reveal. You can also learn to be more aware, curious, and inspired by the beauty of the world.
  • Feeling the wonder: You can feel the wonder by being amazed, astonished, and impressed by the marvels and mysteries that traveling can uncover. You can also learn to be more open, humble, and amazed by the wonder of the world.

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next trip today, and see for yourself how traveling can make you happier. You deserve it.

Or better yet, pack your bags and go now. You won’t regret it. In fact, you’ll thank yourself later.

Discovering the World Through Its People and Traditions

`` Embracing the Thrill of Uncharted Territories``

A Night Under the Stars: My Tipi Experience

``A Night Under the Stars: My Tipi Experience``

I hope this article has explored the numerous benefits of global travel, highlighting how it can profoundly impact one’s life.

We’ve discussed the enrichment of personal experience, the broadening of perspectives, the challenge to preconceptions, skill enhancement, health improvement, creative inspiration, social connections, and the pursuit of happiness.

To those considering a journey, research thoroughly, remain adaptable, honor local customs, embrace novelty, record your experiences, and most importantly, relish the adventure.

Bear in mind that life’s richness often lies in the voyage itself. So set forth, explore the world, and savor each moment along the path.

Hi, I’m Dave Gunther, a 45-year-old Canadian backpacker with ADHD and autism. I love traveling the world and sharing my adventures, tips and insights. I want to inspire you to follow your dreams and live your best life. Join me on my journey. Feel free to contact me anytime. I’d love to hear from you. Happy trails!